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Bacterial Vaginosis

What is it?

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is a mild infection due to an overgrowth of anaerobe, or malignant bacteria in the vagina. It is the most common vaginal infection in people 15-44 years of age.

How did I get it?

Despite the awesomeness of modern reproductive health science, researchers don’t actually know the causes of BV. However, having multiple partners, a new sexual partner, douching, lack of condom use, and general unbalance of bacteria are correlated with BV. The infection typically occurs in those with vaginas who are sexually active, but it is unknown how sex contributes to getting BV. Notably, you cannot get BV from toilet seats, bedding, or swimming pools.

What are the symptoms?

BV infections can be asymptomatic, but presenting symptoms are often similar to those of a yeast infection. Most commonly, symptoms include a white discharge and a fishy smell coming from the vagina. Burning when urinating, itching around the outside of the vagina, or general vaginal irritation have also been reported.

What do I do when the test comes back positive?

BV sometimes clears on its own, but if you have symptoms, you should get checked and treated. Your doctor or healthcare provider will likely put you on a dose of antibiotics: recommended types of medication are Metronizadole and Clindomycin. BV is uncomfortable, but highly curable, so don’t worry!

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